
Selected Publications

Predistribution vs. Redistribution:  Evidence from France and the U.S.American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2024, with Bozio Antoine, Goupille-Lebret Jonathan, Guillot Malka, and Piketty Thomas, WP 2023, Online Appendix 2023, VoxEu, CEPR DP15415

Accounting for Wealth Inequality Dynamics: Methods, Estimates and Simulations for France, Journal of the European Economic Association, 2021, with Goupille-Lebret Jonathan and Piketty Thomas,  Appendix, Data Appendix, Working Paper 2020, Appendix WP 2020, Working Paper 2016, Appendix WP 2016

The Flip Side of Marital Specialization: The Gendered Effect of Divorce on Living Standards and Labor SupplyAppendix, Journal of Population Economics, 2021, with Bonnet Carole and Solaz Anne, Insee Working Paper

Income Inequality Dynamics in France 1900-2014: Evidence from Distributional National Accounts (DINA), Journal of Public Economics, 2018, Working Paper, Appendix, VoxEu, with Goupille-Lebret Jonathan and Piketty Thomas

Applying Generalized Pareto Curves to Inequality Analysis, American Economic Association, Papers & Proceedings, 2018, with Blanchet Thomas, Goupille-Lebret Jonathan and Martinez-Toledano Clara

On the Share of Inheritance in Aggregate Wealth: Europe and the United States 1900-2010, Economica, 2017, with Alvaredo Facundo and Piketty Thomas (PSE Working Paper)

Book chapter

Intergenerational Homeownership in France over the 20th Century, 2022, with Frédérique Savignac, chapter in  NBER book "Measuring and Understanding the Distribution and Intra/Inter-Generational Mobility of Income and Wealth", Editors: Raj Chetty, John N. Friedman, Janet C. Gornick, Barry Johnson, and Arthur Kennickell, University of Chicago Press.

Work in progress

Tax Design, Information, and Elasticities: Evidence From the French Wealth Tax, Updated 2024, with Jonathan Goupille-Lebret, Mathilde Munoz, Stefanie Stantcheva, and Gabriel Zucman, WIL WP, Revised &Resubmit at the Review of Economic Studies

Wealth Heterogeneity and the Marginal Propensity to Consume out of Wealth, Updated 2024, with Lamarche Pierre and Savignac Frédérique, Revised &Resubmit at the Journal of the European Economic Association

Trends and Inequality in Lifetime Earnings in France, 2023, VoxEu, with  Cecilia García-Peñalosa, Vladimir Pecheu, and Frédérique Savignac

Markups, Taxes, and Rising Inequality, 2022, with Auray Stéphane, Eyquem Aurélien, and Goupille-Lebret Jonathan, Revised &Resubmit at the Journal of the European Economic Association

Accounting for Intergenerational Wealth Mobility in France over the 20th Century: Method and Estimations [Currenty being updated], with Savignac Frédérique, 2022

Other Publications

Does Part-Time Mothering Help Get a Job? The role of shared custody in women’s employment, European Journal of Population, 2022, with Bonnet Carole and Solaz Anne

Income and Wealth Inequality in France: Developments and Links over the Long Term, Economics and Statistics, 2019, French version: Inégalités de revenus et de richesse en France : Évolutions et liens sur longue période, with Goupille-Lebret Jonathan 

Rising inequalities in access to home ownership among young households in France, 1973-2013, Economics and Statistics, 2018, French version: Hausse des inégalités d'accès à la propriété entre jeunes ménages en France, 1973-2013, Ined working paper, Blog Banque de France, with Bonnet Carole and Grobon Sébastien

Les justifications empiriques de la compensation financière après divorce, Canadian Journal of Law and Society, 2016, with Jeandidier Bruno and Lim Helen

Inégalités de patrimoine entre générations : Les donations aident-elles les jeunes à s'installer ?, Economie & Statistique, 2014, with Arrondel Luc and Masson André (Insee Working Paper)

Les hauts revenus épargnent-ils davantage ?, Economie & Statistique, 2014, with Lamarche Pierre (Insee Working Paper)

Other working papers

Distributional National Accounts Guidelines, Methods and Concepts Used in the World Inequality Database , with Alvaredo Facundo, Atkinson Anthony B. , Blanchet Thomas, Chancel Lucas, Bauluz Luis, Fisher-Post Matthew, Flores Ignacio, Goupille-Lebret Jonathan, Martínez-Toledano Clara, Morgan Marc, Neef Theresa, Piketty Thomas, Robilliard Anne-Sophie, Saez Emmanuel, Yang Li, and Zucman Gabriel, WIL Working Paper, 2021

Time to Smell the Roses? Risk aversion, the timing of inheritance receipt, and retirement, ECB Working Paper, Insee Working Paper, 2016, with Georges-Kot Simon

Financial Constraints and Self-Employment  in France, 1945-2014, Insee Working Paper, 2018,  with Bauer Arthur and Georges-Kot Simon

Les donations et héritages favorisent-ils la création d'entreprise et l'achat de la résidence principale ?, Insee Working Paper, 2014


Numerical Calibrations for A Theory of Optimal Inheritance Taxation, Econometrica, 2013, Piketty Thomas and Saez Emmanuel

Bertrand Garbinti | Researcher - Assistant Professor at CREST-ENSAE-Institut Polytechnique Paris